Covering your entire face with your pillow as you try hard not to make that whimpering sound. You want to scream out loud but your entire family is asleep or may hear your cries. You want to stop crying but your heart is being squeezed up tight and tears just keep on rolling down your face. After a while you stop crying but the pain in your heart still remains as your head is filled with a million thoughts running through your head, making you unable to sleep.

I feel like I am sitting in a room full of people that I love, and you know what, they just don't care that I love them. They don't care whether or not I live or die. To them I'm just another girl, just another stranger. To me, they are my best friends, the only people I have left. (This is how I used to feel, all the time)

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Heyy, Putri Maharani here. Ini post pertama di blog kedua gue. Blog pertama gue but it's already removed, karena gue pernah ngetik bahwa gue lahir tahun 1999 dan itu terlalu muda, so, blog itu hilang dalam sekejap. T,T jujur ini nyesek bangetbangetbangetbanget bangetan. Blog itu udah banyak banget post nya, dan post nya itu kenangan yg seru2 dan unforgotten. Gue ngetik panjang2 di blog itu, nyeritain semuanya dengan tujuan agar gue bisa inget momment2 itu lagi. Ternyata. It's over. Dead. Gue masih ga rela blog itu kehapus, tapi gue harus move, gue pun bikin blog lagi. Semangat! Ok, di blog ini gue mencoba untuk menceritakan ulang post2 yg ada di blog gue yg sebelum nya. Gue gatau bakal lebih lengkap atau gimana jadinya. Karena gue ngetik ulang lagi. Well, let's do it! (:

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